Civaknasî qadek lêkolînên civakî ye, û cûrbecûr mijar û rêbazan vedigire. Her hefte, em ê balê bikişînin ser qadek taybetî ya lêkolîna sosyolojîk (Çand, Zayend, Nijad, Malbat, Pere, Deviyan, hwd.) Bi mebesta ku em nêrînek giştî li ser celeb pirsên ku civaknas dipirsin û ka ew çawa bersiv didin.
Sociology is a field of social studies, and includes variety of topics and methods. Each week, we will focus on a specific area of sociological study (Culture, Gender, Race, Family, Money, Deviance, etc.) with the goal of offering you a general overview of the types of questions sociologists ask and how they answer them.